Reaching out to strengthen family ties through education, inspiration, and independence.
Providing a safe, healthy and stimulating place for school age children to participate in a variety of learning and recreational activities.
The Inner County Outreach After School Program provides a safe, healthy, and stimulating place for school-age children while providing opportunities for participation in academic skill-building, homework help, service learning, and unstructured recreational activities. In addition to those activities, our program also provides youth with: ongoing relationships with caring adults; an environment that strengthens social skills and character; healthy snacks and hot meals to meet students’ nutritional needs; and we provide a safe environment for latch key children in the community.
We are gearing up for our 2022-2023 school year and we are anticipating another successful After School Program. We will be starting on September 19th. If you are interested in allowing us to assist your child this upcoming year please download and fill out the application. Once the application is completed, please give Mrs. Valerie Warfield a call to set up a time to come in and meet us. Her number is (410)272-3278x103.